Trusted by 10k+ users
Advertise your brand
Pay our promoters affordable rates to share your adverts, follow your social media, stream music or watch your videos.
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How it works
How it works
step 1. Post your request and tell us what you want.
For example, follow my Instagram page
step 2. We would send your request to our 1000's of users
step 3. Our users would start working on your task.
step 4. Our promoters send proof of completion by submitting a screenshot or screenrecording.
All Social Media Platforms

Who can benefit from this ?
Business owners
Promote your business easily & reach more potential customers
Content creators
Get eyeballs on your social media account
Get people to stream & download your music
Affiliate Marketers
Get people to share your referral / affiliate links
create Adverts video tutorial
How long does it take before my campaign starts
It usually takes around 30 mins - 1 hour before your campaign starts. Reason why is because of the review process our team handles
Are all engagements real ?
Yes, all engagements coming from our site are 100% real people. We are a marketplace that has the taskers so we just share your Adverts with them for them to work on . No bot activity on Lave