
Trusted by 10k+ users

Monetize Your Social Media

Earn daily by posting adverts, following social media pages , liking posts, watching videos, listening to music & more

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How it works

  • How it works

    step 1. A brand post their request on Lave for example: they want instagram followers.

    step 2. You go follow the brands page

    step 3. You submit proof you have completed the tasks successfully

    step 4. Your wallet gets credited within 24 hrs

    step 5. you withdraw your funds to your Mobile Money or Bank account

Get Paid Daily by Performing Simple Tasks

WhatsApp status

Get Paid by posting business Adverts on your Whatsapp status

Follow Social Media Pages

Get Paid by following business & brand accounts on social Media

Join Groups & Channels

Get Paid for joining Telegram pages, WHatsapp groupds & more

Liking Posts

Get Paid by liking posts on social Media

Comment on posts

Get Paid by commenting on posts, Videos & More

Get Paid for Watching Videos

Get Paid by watching videos

Listening to music

Get Paid by listening to music

Get Paid for Reviews

Get Paid by reviewing business pages on Google , Rating mobile apps & more Appstore

Frequently Asked Questions ?

Is it Free ?

No it is not .

we charge you GHS 30 or NGN 3,000 equivalent a year to be a tasker.

We started out as free platform and realized a lot of people were submit fake proofs which was affecting our advertisers

To protect our advertisers, we charge you a GHS 30 a year. We only want serious people who are ready to satisfy our advertisers

Does Lave posts any tasks ?

No we dont . we are simply a marketplace that connects advertisers with taskers so all tasks are 100% created by advertisers

How Long has Lave been existing ?

We have been in existence since 2021 . You can check our domain records or visit our instagram ( @lavedotlive) and check our first posts

How to Perform tasks

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Product of Nulave LTD